Medical Systems Support, Inc.

Opening Hours : M-Thurs. 8:00am to 5:00pm Friday 8am to 12pm
  Contact : 205-314-5775


How we help you?

Medical Systems Support, Inc. is a Certified Value Added Reseller (VAR) for medical software products and services. We serve the medical community in Alabama with expertise in all aspects of medical software.  We are not only certified but also qualified to provide training, installation support, trouble-shooting, data conversion and other professional services related to installing and maintaining a full-function Practice Management (PM) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) system.

We are dedicated to providing local practices with the best support available.

The medical software world is full of choices.  Too many options leave the small to medium practices potentially overwhelmed.  This is where Medical Systems Support, Inc. can help.  Because we focus our attention on the reliability and performance of companies who develop medical systems, we have the insight to know which companies are the best to deal with and which ones keep their commitments.  These are the only companies that we will represent.

What is a certified reseller?

Being certified gives integrity to our success! 
Medical Systems Support, Inc. . is certified and fully qualified to provide training, installation support, trouble-shooting, data conversion and other professional services related to installing and maintaining full-function practice management systems.

Medical Systems Support, Inc. . offers a robust suite of services that will provide clients with an on-going annuity stream. This will grow for years to come as more and more medical practices automate their electronic claims and prescription processing and connectivity with merchants, pharmacies, and other healthcare entities.

Medical Systems Support, Inc.